Mr. Trey Hamilton » RTI2-B Positive Behavior Program

RTI2-B Positive Behavior Program

The Bartlett Academy has chosen to adopt Response to Instruction and Intervention for Behavior (RTI2- Behavior) as our multi-tiered system of support for behavior. We, along with other schools in our district, have chosen to embrace this framework for improving student outcomes. In addition to creating a more pleasant school climate and decreasing problem behaviors, implementing RTI2-Behavior (RTI2-B) will help us with academic instruction, character development, bullying prevention, and mental health issues.



RTI2-B Overview

Response to Instruction and Intervention-Behavior (RTI2-B) is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) that offers a powerful, evidence-based approach for meeting the behavioral and social needs of students in Tennessee schools.

RTI2-B is a promising framework for prevention and intervention within an integrated, three-tiered approach. Each tier of the framework involves careful reflection on the needs of students, the design of interventions matching those needs, and the collection of data to evaluate progress (individually for students and collectively as a school). These efforts require a shared school-wide commitment to teach and reinforce positive behavior. It also involves adopting an optimistic view that all students can learn appropriate behavior if sufficient and supportive opportunities to learn are provided. When using positive behavior supports in all three tiers (e.g., focusing on teaching students the behaviors we want to see, as opposed to punishing the behaviors we don’t want to see, and developing relationships between students and school staff), schools create a culture where all students and teachers are respected and included in their community. Furthermore, student and staff contributions to the school create a positive and proactive way to acknowledge, engage, and respect all stakeholders.

The purpose of RTI2-B is to empower educators to equip all students with the opportunity to meet high expectations regarding behavior and the support to reach every student. Also, students, families, and educators can work together to develop and contribute to a shared school vision. Tennessee Behavior Supports Project can help schools meet that goal.

Within the multi-tiered framework of RTI2-B, each tier increases the intensity of intervention and supports so students can be best supported within their school.



At the beginning of each quarter all students will be taught and retaught our behavioral expectations. The lesson plans can be found below.