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Student Registration

2024-2025 Student Registration Information

New to Bartlett City Schools Students

New student registration will begin Monday, April 29.  Please click on the link below beside your school to find more information about registration.  Please read below for further information regarding the required documentation for enrollment.  If you need further assistance, please contact the school's attendance clerk.

Registration for new to BCS, incoming 9th graders cannot be processed until the final 8th grade report card has been received. Once you have this final report card, please complete the form on the sidebar to submit your registration. Please do not submit your registration until you have the final 8th grade report card and all uploads.

Returning Students (finished 8th grade at AMS, BLMS, or EPMS)

Returning students will register via the PowerSchool Parent Portal this year beginning Friday, April 26.  If you have not already created an account, information will be emailed to you on April 22 explaining how to create an account.  Please make sure that you have your proofs of residency, custody documentation, etc to upload.  For shared residents, you must have your two proofs, the homeowner's two proofs, the notarized affidavit, and the notification of penalties page.  You may contact the attendance clerk at the school if you need further assistance.  Registration for returning students should be completed by May 31, 2024.

Online registration - Need to Know

Before you proceed with the registration process, you must have all your documentation scanned and ready to upload (i.e. two current proofs of residency, shared residency affidavit, parenting plan). Please carefully check all spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as it is entered. All required fields, which are specified, must be completed before the form may be submitted. If you experience any difficulty, please contact the enrolling school's attendance clerk.

Shared Residency

Any new shared residency must schedule an appointment with Student Services before completing the on-line registration.  Appointments will begin Monday, May 20, therefore, families may begin bringing their documentation to Student Services Tuesday, May 14, for review. 

Click here for information regarding shared residency.

Enrollment Documentation

Click here to reference BCS Policy# 6016 (School Admissions) for documentation requirements to register.

Acceptable Proofs of Residency

  • Most recent MLG&W bill (no cut-off notices or Bartlett water bills)
  • Current mortgage statement or deed of the homeowner
  • Lease of the lessee of the home
  • Rental agreement of the renter of the home
  • Current real-estate tax receipt of the homeowner
  • Current public assistance/government benefits check, card, or papers

Scanning Documentation

You will be required to scan documentation in order to upload during the registration process.  Bartlett City Schools does not endorse or recommend any specific scanning app or method, but some options include Genius Scan (free app), Notes app (iPhone or iPad), and Google Drive (Android).

Updated Tennessee immunization records for new students and 7th graders and physical exam documentation for only new students must be submitted to the school before the student attends school on August 8. If you already have an updated record, you may scan and upload that form(s) when you complete the on-line registration. Please contact Geniese Bolden if you have questions (202-0855 Ext. 2271).

Be Ready Day will be on August 1 (subject to change). Please visit school websites for further information. If you complete the on-line registration by June 30, 2024, your student(s) should be assigned to a classroom and/or have a class schedule on this day.

Important Dates  

  • Friday, April 26th Registration begins for returning students via the parent portal

  • Monday, April 29th New student registration begins

  • Monday, May 20th Shared residency appointments begin at Student Services