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Attendance and Absent Notes

Parents have 48 hours (2 school days) to turn in an absent note. Absences cannot be changed after 48 hours. NO EXCEPTIONS!   We provide three options for submitting an absent note.

  1. Complete an online form here. An email confirmation receipt will be sent to you upon submission.
  2. Email absent notes to Mrs. James at
  3. Students can turn in absent notes to the attendance office.


Please follow these procedures to ensure attendance is accurate for your student.   School starts promptly at 7:00. Students will be marked tardy after 7:00 and must enter through the Main Office starting at 7:15.

  • Students can begin entering the building at 6:30 and report to the cafeteria.
  • Students have 5 minutes to transition between each class. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive to class after the bell rings.
  • Each student is allowed 10 absences with a note per school year. After 10 absences, a doctor’s note is required.
  • Bartlett City Board of Education Exam Exemption Policy 4014
    • Students enrolled in a high school course having an eighty-seven (87) or higher course average who have five (5) or fewer excused absences may be exempted from the district semester exams.
    • Any unexcused absence disqualifies the student from all exam exemptions.
    • Students in grades 9-12 may be exempted for both fall and spring semester exams.
  • Download the PowerSchool app to keep up with grades and attendance! Enable notifications for the most up to date information.

To view the entire BCS Attendance, Absence, Truancy, and Withdraw Policy, please refer to the BCS Student-Parent Handbook on pages 10 and 11.   If you have questions, please email Brittany Kreeger, Assistant Principal, or Haley James, Attendance Operator.

Brittany Kreeger

Titles: Assistant Principal

Haley James

Titles: Attendance Secretary