eBook Checkout
New eBooks have arrived!
To browse, go to the catalog as usual. **Make sure you are logged in through Clever! If you aren't logged in, it won't let you checkout.
- After login, look at middle of the page. Change “material type” to eBook & check the box underneath that says “Limit to Follett eBooks.” (we have another vendor that isn’t synced with Follett yet so you can’t check those out, but I’m working on it)
- Click either “Title” or “Author.” This will give you an alphabetical list of all the eBooks we have
- “Details” will give you all the information about the book
- “Open” will go to the book
- In the top right, there’s a button that looks like a cartoon-ish book. If you click on it, that allows you to checkout.
- Happy reading!