Welcome to Mrs. Willis' Algebra Class

Welcome parents and students! This school year promises to be an eventful and exciting year! I hope that you are ready! I know that I am! This is my forth year at Bartlett School, but my 11th year in education!
Building a good mathematical foundation is very important, so that is going to be our goal for this year! This year we will be incorporating technology into our class! I look forward to all that we will accomplish this year together! 
Mrs. Willis
General Supplies (Required)
  • 3-ring Binder dedicated to Algebra notes
  • Pencils & Handheld Pencil Sharper
  • Fully Charged Laptop
  • Reem of Copy Paper
  • Notebook paper
Recommended Supplies (Not Required)
  • TI-84 Graphing Calculator - Not required, but it will be very useful throughout High School and College
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Clorox Wipes
  • Tissues