Sheron Hicks » Technology and Learning Platforms

Technology and Learning Platforms

Canvas: This website will be used to post texts, daily assignments, weekly agendas, etc. Students will use Canvas to receive assignments, ask questions, or turn in missing work. Students should check Canvas daily. You are responsible for the information that is posted whether you are present or absent for class. You can access Canvas through your Clever account. 


Common Lit: We will use this website to explore, annotate, and analyze various literary and nonfiction texts.


No Red Ink: This grammar website individualizes grammar practice for each student.


Paper: This is a free online tutoring service that allows students to get help 24/7 with assignments in English, math, and science. We will use this for submitting rough drafts and getting additional feedback before a final submission.


Power School: This is the place where students and parents can find grades, missing assignments, and feedback. Please check this weekly.


Remind: I will use Remind to send class reminders about homework, upcoming assignments/tests, and school information. Sign up using your cell phone or email. To receive text messages, text @948a6e to the number 81010 or go to to sign up for email notifications. Students will submit essays and other writing tasks through this website to ensure original work (only) is being submitted; plagiarized submissions are not tolerated and will result in an automatic zero. We will regularly use this free, online vocabulary program.