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Rising 10th Graders Registration Information

We will begin meeting with students on February 3rd for Course Registration. Please make sure that you and your child have reviewed and discussed all classes that they are interested in taking for next school year. This will help prepare them for their course registration process, so they can choose the best classes for their graduation requirements and for their 2025-2026 school schedule.  

Course Registration will be completed, through our Science classes, during the month of February. All Science teachers will be given a schedule that informs them of their students’ designated meeting date. Teachers will inform all students of this date. Students who are absent on their scheduled course registration date will have to wait until the makeup course registration session to complete their schedules. The assigned counselor will let these students know when their make-up day will be scheduled.  

All course registration choices must be entered in PowerSchool to insure your child has a schedule for the 2025-2026 school year. Therefore, all students will need to be prepared for their course registration session, by coming to their meeting, with a fully charged laptop.  

PowerSchool Lock Date: Students will have until March 23,2025, to make changes to their course registration selections in PowerSchool. PowerSchool will be locked on March 24,2025, and they will no longer be able to make changes in PowerSchool.  

Verification Sheets: In April, students will receive a verification sheet to bring home. You and your child will review their course registration selections and decide if there are any errors or classes that need to be changed. Please request all changes on the verification sheet and return it to their assigned counselor. The counselor will update the course selections in PowerSchool. If there is an issue with the requested changes, the counselor will meet with the student, and contact the parent by email if necessary.

Final Date for Course selection changes in PowerSchool: Students’ last day of school will be Thursday, May 22, 2025 (this is a half-day of school). This will also be the last and final day that students, or parents, may request a change to course selections for the 2025-2026 school year. 


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PowerSchool Parent Portal 

Disregard any dates you see in the video.

The classes below require an application. Please click on the image to fill out the form. Applications will be sent to the teacher, and are due the Friday before Spring Break.


