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What are the program requirements?

Bartlett Honors Academy Program Expectations

Honors Academy students must maintain these expectations throughout the four years to remain in good standing. Failure to meet these expectations will result in probation or dismissal.

  • Community Service: Complete 12 hours of Bartlett City Schools Service (BCS) or Community Service (CS) by the April/May deadline.
  • Honors Units: Take a minimum of 3 Honors Units per school year with a total of 14 by graduation.
  • Grades/GPA: No Ds or Fs, and must maintain a 3.5 GPA.
  • Conduct: No Ns or Us in conduct. No ISS or OSS.
  • Senior Project of Impact: This culminating project will begin at the end of junior year and be completed by February of senior year. (See Project of Impact Information for more details.)
  • Project of Impact Open House and Symposium: Seniors will present their Senior Project of Impact at the Open House and Symposium
  • Communication: Maintain two-way communication with the Honors Academy Coordinator and Project of Impact Mentor (senior year). (i.e., email, Remind, Canvas, check-ins, etc.)
  • Meetings: Attend mandatory quarterly meetings.