Mrs. Dolly Staten » Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Mrs. Dolly Staten


World History & Geography Standard/Honors

Room: 200

Planning: 3rd Period

Email: [email protected]


Please feel free to email me at any time.

I check emails in the morning and the afternoons and typically respond within 24 hours. Remind is also a great way to communicate quick questions.

Sign up for Remind Notifications

I recommend downloading and joining the class on the app, but you may also join via text by texting @statenwhh (honors) or @statenwh (standard) to 81010.


Website: Mrs. Staten's Class Website



“Students will study the rise of the nation-state in Europe, the origins and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, political reform in Western Europe, imperialism across the world, and the economic and political roots of the modern world. Students will explain the causes and consequences of the great military and economic events of the past century, including the World Wars, Great Depression, Cold War, and Russian and Chinese Revolutions. Students will study the rise of nationalism and the continuing persistence of political, ethnic, and religious conflict in many parts of the world. Students will explore geographic influences on history, with attention to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nations from 1750 to the present and the subsequent human geographic issues that dominate the global community. Additionally, students will examine aspects of technical geography and how these innovations continuously impact geopolitics in the contemporary world.”

“This course is a continuation of the 6th and 7th grade survey courses of world history and geography and is designed to help students think like historians, focusing on historical concepts to build a foundational understanding of the world. Appropriate primary sources have been embedded in the standards to deepen the understanding of world history and geography. Special emphasis will be placed on the contemporary world and its impact on students today.”


  • Collect data, read, and analyze primary and secondary sources related to each historical topic.
  • Explore and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
  • Write routinely in response to text and other media.
  • Prepare and participate in formal and informal class discussions and oral presentations.
  • Formulate arguments and cite supporting evidence.


Topics of Study

  • World History Review and Preview (The Beginning of Global Connections)
  • European Absolutism
  • American and French Revolutions
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Rise of Nationalism in Europe
  • World War 1
  • Russian Revolution and Communism
  • Interwar Period
  • Rise of Dictatorships
  • World War 2
  • Holocaust and Establishment of Israel
  • Communism in China
  • Cold War (including Korea and Vietnam Wars)
  • Conflicts in the Middle East and the Rise of Terrorism
  • Modern Day Relations Around the World

Required Supplies

  • 3 Ring Binder (may be used for other classes)
  • Pens and pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Colored pencils (optional-for personal use)
  • USB-C flash drive (may be used for other classes)
  • Headphones or ear pods (Keep these in your backpack for use at any time.)
  • Laptop w/charger (Keep these in your backpack for use at any time.)


Suggested Supplies (For class use)

  • Box of tissues
  • Clorox wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Band aides
  • Paper towels
  • Alcohol wipes (small or large-used for cleaning laptop


  • Maintain a class binder and desktop folders to organize documents, notes, and graded assignments.
  • Sign up for the Remind app. Use the app, text, or email to get class reminders.
  • Check the Canvas class site daily for assignments and updates.
  • If you’re absent, check Remind, Canvas, and get with a classmate to get missing assignments.

Grading/ Assessments

This class uses a total points method of calculating averages. Students will be assessed using a variety of methods including short and extended writing assignments, group projects and presentations, discussions, quizzes, and texts.

Grade Scale (Updated BCS Policy 7/28/22)

A          90-100

B          80-89

C          70-79

D          60-69

F          Below 60



Semester Exam Exemptions (Updated BCS Policy 7/28/22)

Students enrolled in a high school course having an eighty-seven (87) or higher course average who have five (5) or fewer excused absences (distance learning days do not count as an absence) may be exempted from the district semester exams. Any unexcused absence disqualifies the student from all exam exemptions. Students in grades 9-12 may be exempted for both fall and spring semester exams.



  1. Be Respectful: Students will respect the learning environment. Disruptions to the learning environment will not be tolerated, including disrespecting peers, yourself, or the teacher.
  2. Be Responsible: Students will come to class with all required materials, including completed assignments and a charged laptop.
  3. Be Ready to Learn: Students will focus and be on task and leave the drama out of the classroom.


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Student/Teacher Conference
  3. Parent Contact
  4. Office Referral*

*Some behaviors are zero tolerance and will result in an immediate office referral.



Students are expected to go to the restroom in between classes. I suggest that students learn their schedules and determine when they have extra time. Emergencies will be handled on a case-by-case basis.



“…cheating and plagiarism will be treated as behavioral infractions with associated consequences. Cheating can include both copying something from someone else, or knowingly providing answers or work to someone else. Students who are found guilty of cheating or plagiarism will have to retake or redo the graded assignment for academic credit, in addition to receiving a behavioral consequence.”



BCS and Bartlett Academy dress codes will be enforced while on campus. Students will be given a chance to change or call home to correct the dress code violation, but if the violation is repeated, it will follow the same consequences listed previously.



Students will be considered tardy if they enter the classroom after the bell rings without an excuse note. This tardy will be documented in Power School and addressed by administration. Consequences will include a conference with administration, after school detention, and ISS.


CELL PHONES (BCS Acceptable Use rules always apply.)

Students may bring cell phones to school, but they may not have them out or in use in the hallways or classrooms. Students may not ever use cell phones in class without the express permission of and under the supervision of a teacher.  If a student is using a cell phone without specific staff authorization, it may be confiscated and turned in to an administrator.



Laptops are to be used only as directed by the teacher. Students are not to open the computers until directed. You should only use the applications that you have been directed to use unless given permission to use another program. Any use of other apps (games, internet, messaging, etc.) could result in laptop privileges being taken away and paper only assignments being assigned.



Please take the time to read the student handbook. All school and district discipline and expectations outlined in the handbook will be enforced.



Canvas (Learning Management System)

This site will be used to post notes, daily assignments, videos, and important information. Students will also use it to turn in assignments and ask questions about the class, specific assignments, or missing work.  Students should check it daily.  You are responsible for the information that is posted.



We have an online textbook for this course. Students will be given login information to access this site.


Late work

Assignments are expected on time. Deadlines matter. Due dates are set to protect the students' and the teacher's time and minimize work piling up. Students who turn in work on time will benefit from getting feedback and opportunities to correct assignments. Late work will be graded as is. Students will lose 10% of the total points possible per day late up to 50% off.


Makeup work

It is your responsibility to ask for missing work. I will not remind you. I encourage you to have a classmate that you trust to get any missed notes. You should check Canvas daily for important handouts. You are responsible for the information that is posted on Canvas. You may also schedule an appointment after school to complete work. You have the same number of days absent to make up work from the day you return.



Tutoring is available by appointment from 2:00 - 3:00 pm most days. Please email me if you need help.


Remind App

I frequently use the Remind app to send class reminders about homework, upcoming assignments, extra credit opportunities, and school events. I encourage you to sign up using your cell phone or email. This site will not share your phone number or email.  Parents are encouraged to sign up, as well. Data plans are not required. You can use Remind without the app, but your phone must be able to accept text messages.


Be sure to sign up for the correct class. The Honors Remind code has an extra “h.”

Please complete and return to Mrs. Staten by Friday.



I have reviewed the syllabus.


Student’s name printed ______________________________________________________________________



Student’s signature ___________________________________________________Date___________________



Parent’s name printed________________________________________________________________________



Parent’s signature ____________________________________________________Date___________________



What is the best way to contact you? (Please list a phone number or email address.)

